Spring 2025

Visit the official Circle of Health© to register!

Do you collaborate with people in a variety of sectors to improve community health?

This 5-part online professional development course will enhance your skills in partnership development, collaborative planning, knowledge exchange and facilitation. Using the Circle of Health© framework, these workshops will provide you with skills and methods that are influenced by the Ottawa Charter, the social determinants of health, and the Aboriginal Medicine Wheel.

Join from the comfort of your home or office – ideal for organizations with a limited travel budget for continuing education.

You will gain:

  • Increased abilities in integrative planning to deal with comprehensive issues
  • Specific partnership development skills and tools
  • Knowledge about team building with a shared framework and language to work together more quickly and effectively
  • Understanding of varied learning styles and the best ways to exchange knowledge with others
  • Enhanced facilitation skills and an opportunity to facilitate a group online
  • A network of international connections
  • Confidence in using the Circle of Health© and integrating it into your work-life experience

Workshops will be held in the spring of 2025.

#1 – Covering the Basics: The Circle of Health© and E-learning

#2 – Developing Partnerships

#3 – Collaborative Value-Based Planning 

#4 – Sharing Information with Others 

#5 – Facilitating Discussions 

Past participants say:

  • “The Circle of Health© gives me something concrete and visual to bring to different sectors or disciplines that may speak to them about how we all play a role.”
  • “The workshops are an opportunity to brainstorm, get deeper into issues, get new perspectives, challenge thinking.”
  • “Organized, helpful sessions. Accessible due to webinar format. Complemented with comprehensive well-formatted materials. Personalized.”

Throughout these workshops, you will engage in dialogue with other participants, learning from their experiences and resources, and add to knowledge development by sharing your experiences. We will use the Circle of Health© as a framework for discussion.


The Circle of Health© is a comprehensive framework which provides structure and guidelines for organizing, sharing and planning in a systematic way. It is an ideal tool for people who are motivated to bring about change, as it broadens thinking and encourages the use of all resources and connections to find solutions. It expands thinking by drawing on existing skills and knowledge, and encourages users to look at health as a facet of all programs and sectors. It is well-tested; the framework has been evaluated internationally many times; as have our online workshops. The Circle of Health© is available in six languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese and Serbian), and a facilitator’s handbook has been developed. If you are unfamiliar with the Circle of Health© or need to refresh your memory, visit our website and YouTube channel.